The idea of writing this book of VIVA VOCE/ORALS IN BIOCHEMISTRY is that it should bemuch helpful to the MBBS and M.Sc. (Medical Science) students and post-graduate students for thepreparation of examination. Though it is not a textbook of medical Biochemistry, it is framed in theform of questions and answers in a simplified way. This book will definitely help the students for thepreparation of their examinations.This book is also aimed at the level of general practitioners, clinicians and medical students andtechnicians for applying the knowledge of clinical biochemistry in the clinical side, as much emphasisis given in the clinical biochemistry. The list of clinical biochemistry topics include interpretation oflaboratory data and biochemical features of some clinical diseases like metabolic syndrome, diabetesmellitus, anaemias, jaundice, porphyrias and the disturbances of electrolyte and acid base balance